Dark Matter Glass (DMG) is an offshoot from my studio art practice. I am a sculptor who is trained in the craft of glassmaking. DMG is an area of my practice where I explore color, function, and design and these handmade glass objects are meant to be integrated into life. The formal concept of the Impact Series is two shapes, one is hollow, one is solid. The hollow sphere receives the force from the more complex geometric solid object. Neither the form nor the skin of the sphere is broken but instead traces or maps the moment of impact. The transparency of the glass allows this to be visible from the outside. Collisions and impacts are the instant of transcendence and unpredictable emergence. These pieces capture that moment into a tangible object, allowing the contemplation of transformation and metamorphoses.
Impact Pendant (smoke)
Impact Chandelier (smoke)
Impact Cups (plum)
Detail of Impact
Impact Cups (fuchsia)
Impact Cups (apricot)
For inquiries or commissions please email meganbiddle77(at)gmail(dot)com